
Beyond the Bowl: Ethical Sourcing in Pet Food

June 13, 2024 | Logan Simmons

We love our furry companions, and feeding them right is a priority. But

We love our furry companions, and feeding them right is a priority. But did you know your pet’s food choices can impact the planet and animal welfare? Ethical sourcing in pet food is a growing trend that puts a spotlight on responsible practices throughout the supply chain.

Here’s what ethical sourcing means:

  • Responsible Ingredient Selection: Instead of whole fish, using by-products from human food production minimizes waste and provides essential nutrients for pets.
  • Fair Treatment of Animals: Ethical brands ensure animals raised for pet food have access to humane living conditions.
  • Sustainable Fishing: Look for certifications like the Marine Stewardship Council, which promotes responsible fishing practices to protect our oceans.
  • Locally Sourced Ingredients: Reducing transportation cuts down on the pet food’s carbon footprint and supports regional farmers.
  • Transparency is Key: Choose brands that openly share their sourcing practices and certifications.

By opting for ethically sourced pet food, you’re making a statement. You’re saying you care about your pet’s health, the environment, and the well-being of animals raised for food. While ethical options might cost a bit more, it’s an investment in a healthier planet and a happier pet. So next time you’re shopping for kibble, dig a little deeper and choose a brand that feeds your pet’s needs and your values.