
Bored Cat? What to do

January 25, 2024 | Logan Simmons

Bored cats can become mischievous felines, so keeping them stimulated i

Bored cats can become mischievous felines, so keeping them stimulated is key to a happy home. Here are some ideas to spark your cat’s playful spirit:

  1. Channel the Hunter:
  • Wand Toys: Mimic prey movements with feather wands, fishing pole toys, or laser pointers. Watch those instincts kick in!
  • Paper Towels: Crumple up paper balls or hide treats inside for a DIY treasure hunt.
  • Cardboard: Craft boxes into tunnels, castles, or scratching posts for exploration and ambush tactics.
  1. Engage the Senses:
  • Window Wonders: Set up a comfy perch near a window for endless bird-watching entertainment.
  • Scent Seduction: Hide catnip-filled toys or sachets around the house for a stimulating game of “find the fishy fun.”
  • Sound Games: Play nature sounds or crinkling toys to pique your cat’s curiosity and encourage playful pounces.
  1. Challenge the Mind:
  • Food Puzzles: Place kibble in treat dispensers or puzzle feeders to make mealtime a mental workout.
  • Obstacle Courses: Create a maze of furniture or boxes for your cat to navigate and conquer.
  • Interactive Apps: Try cat-specific apps with moving targets or laser pointers to keep those paws tapping.
  1. Remember the Basics:
  • Scratching Posts: Provide sturdy scratching surfaces to save your furniture and indulge their natural instincts.
  • Vertical Spaces: Cat trees, shelves, or even high perches on bookshelves offer opportunities to climb and survey their kingdom.
  • Solo Playtime: Not all cats crave constant attention. Leave engaging toys within reach for independent playtime bursts.

Bonus Tip: Rotate toys regularly to keep things fresh and exciting. A surprise new toy is like a kitty Christmas!

Remember, every cat is unique. Observe their preferences and adjust activities accordingly. Most importantly, have fun together and enjoy the purrfectly playful moments!