
Is my dog jealous?

September 14, 2023 | Logan Simmons
As research into dog behavior as evolved over the years, we’re starting to notice dog behaviors th

As research into dog behavior as evolved over the years, we’re starting to notice dog behaviors that are very similar to us humans. For instance, have you noticed your dog trying to block the approach of another dog or person?  Perhaps they become agitated when someone approaches or attempts to intervene when you’re speaking with someone.  These are all signs of jealousy.

So what do we do?  Here are some tips:

1.) Sit with your dog on a leash and let someone approach you with another leashed dog.  If your dog shows aggression or discomfort, ask your friend to stop their approach.  Then, give your dog a treat and comfort them.

2.) Repeat this process until your dog becomes more at ease.

3.) Steadily bring the other dog closer to you until you can just touch them.  Then, return to giving treats and attention to your own dog.

4.) At the end, you’ll want to give equal attention to both your dog and the other dog.  Tension should be significantly reduced at this point.

Make sure not to punish these guarding behaviors that your dog may exhibit.  Over time, you should be able to significantly reduce the tension of having other dogs and people around your dog.  Now that this is done, have you thought about what your dog is eating for dinner?  Every PURELUXE formula has fresh meat first and is free from fillers, added sugar and preservatives that can cause your dog (or cat) to have uncomfortable health issues.  See all of our formulas at pureluxepetfood.com.

